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Blue & Gold Banquet/ AOL Ceremony

We maintain our detailed calendar on, which we also use for Den and Pack communications. This means you'll need to be a registered Scout of Pack 727 in order to view our calendar and logon to see your Scout's advancement.

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Den and Pack Meetings

Cub Scouts are organized in Dens (kids in the same grade, each of which belong to a Pack. Our Pack number is 727. We have Dens for K through 5th grade. Grade K through 5 Dens meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm in Fellowship Hall.


There is also Den 3 (Grade 3 - Bears) that meets two Fridays per month at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room. 


Rain Gutter Regatta

The Rain Gutter Regatta gives Cub Scouts a chance to make a model sail boat and race it with others.  Traditionally, rain gutters were closed on each end and filled with water to serve as the race course.  Today, options include plastic and inflatable courses.


Pinewood Derby

Partnered with a parent or guardian, Cub Scouts work together, strengthening bonds and building confidence – and their own custom race cars! They begin with an official Pinewood Derby Race Car kit, then create a design, then carve it from the wood block provided in the kit, and detail it with paint, decals and other accessories, and perfect strategies to compete in their pack’s own Pinewood Derby. It’s s a wonderful learning experience centered on teamwork, ingenuity and sportsmanship – all for the thrill of the race and a lifetime of great memories to share with fellow racers young and old.


Sporting Events

Local councils may partner with professional sports teams or college teams to provide special “Scout Night” opportunities.  Tickets are usually discounted  and may also include special activities such as meeting players, coaches, or even having a chance to stay overnight.

These are great activities for the entire family and might event fulfill a requirement for an adventure in the the Cub Scout handbook.

Cub Scout Day Camp


Offered as a two, three, four or five day event day camps provides opportunities to make new friends, earn new adventures, and participate in special activities.



A healthy body is a happy body, and one of the best ways to stay healthy is to get plenty of exercise. Hiking is an economical way to increase your activity level, while offering a plethora of health benefits. Hiking allows Scouts to watch nature at its finest. Many hiking trails are rated by intensity. We will be hiking beginner trails.

Creative Arts


Creative arts demonstrates the ability or power to create. It is characterized by originality of thought or inventiveness; having or showing imagination a creative mind. The creative arts underscore the procedure, showing kids in a world that is continuously more item determined that the technique by which you touch base at the goal is as or more critical than the goal itself.

©2019 by Cub Scouts Pack 727

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